Our team is building YDB which is a Distributed SQL Database. Our mission is to bring to the world fully open source solution for data processing proven at web scale company. While YDB is our flagship product, we are not limited to OLTP database only, but rather building a platform that includes persistent data streams and queues, federated query engine, continuous stream processing engine and analytical store. We are looking for talented and motivated engineers who would share our passion for distributed systems and help us to develop the best solutions for the modern world.

YDB Core team is responsible for the following parts of the system:

Given our constantly growing load and the rising number of users, we are always working to expand our functionality. Team members are constantly looking for the best solutions for the problems based on their experience, academic research papers and enterprise grade approaches. Developers are responsible for component design, its implementation and for smooth deployment of the feature in the production environment.



<aside> 💡 How to apply https://yandex.com/jobs/vacancies/software-developer-ydb-8259
